Program design

The program is a simple text oriented program suitable to run on a disposable MS-DOS computer. Even an 8088 should be sufficient to keep timing. The other constraint was that the computer should have a standard configuration. Because I am using the parallel port for the electronics package, the printer is connected to a serial port. This does limit the choices for printers, but I have found an HP500 to be a very nice choice. Note that some printers are built so that many lines must be printed before you start seeing any text. It is best if you can find a printer where you can basically see the line as it is being printed.

The program is written in C. I am using an ancient version of Borland C on the computer where this runs. However, compiling it on other computers should not be too difficult.

The program is available as a ZIPed archive, and is really quite small. The following files are the major files in the program.

The procedures page has a section on operating the program. The basic operation is reasonably simple. Getting set up for a race is somewhat more complex, and handling those "odd situations" on the fly may take a bit of creativity.

Consider this program a starting point. You can make use of this program as it is, possibly just using the test mode. It works quite well for small scout packs with no setup. You can also use this program for ideas to construct your own program.

Last modified 27 May 2006
Questions or comments can be sent to Dave Regan.