
Holding the pinewood derby requires that a number of things be brought together with no exceptions.

There are three events which must happen: weigh-in, dry run day, race day. The supplies for the dry run and the race day should be the same, so we'll discuss those together.

Weigh In

The weigh in night is typically the pack meeting just before the race night. Because the race takes a while to run, the race is not held during the pack meeting. Once the cars are weighted in, the kids are encouraged to check them into the race officials. This means that the cars can not be tampered with before race time, thus avoiding another weigh in on race night.

At weigh in, you will need:

Notes about weigh in:

Dry run and race night

During the dry run, you can have mistakes. On race night mistakes are to be avoided. There are lots of things to bring together here. If at all possible, run through the full race schedule on the dry run day. This allows people to become familiar with how the race runs, keeping cars in the appropriate lanes, operating the computer, etc. You will need some dummy cars for this, as you won't want to use the kids cars for testing the track and procedures. A number of people are needed for the race day.

Last modified 27 May 2006
Questions or comments can be sent to Dave Regan.